PURPOSE Network Introduction: NIH HEAL Initiative’s Coordinating Center for National Pain Scientists (CCNPS)
This webinar will offer an overview of the upcoming PURPOSE network.
This webinar will offer an overview of the upcoming PURPOSE network.
@ Kauai Pain Conference Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live Designed forAll Providers The Kaua’i Pain Conference is where health care providers, policy makers, administrators and insurers develop interprofessional solutions to the complex challenges of pain management. Designed for providers of all specialties to improve their understanding of the etiology, assessment, […]
@ A significant amount of research has indicated that many, if not all, types of pain are undertreated. Some data indicate that only 25% of patients treated for pain receive adequate relief. In addition, several studies have shown that various pain-relieving techniques may be used inappropriately, which can result in patient harm. This course provides […]