A significant amount of research has indicated that many, if not all, types of pain are undertreated. Some data indicate that only 25% of patients treated for pain receive adequate relief. In addition, several studies have shown that various pain-relieving techniques may be used inappropriately, which can result in patient harm. This course provides a comprehensive review and update of the basic science and advances in the field of pain medicine.
The faculty includes specialists in many aspects of pain medicine including anesthesiology, neurology, psychiatry and psychology, internal medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, orthopedic surgery, interventional radiology and neurosurgery. Participants learn how to diagnose common pain problems and explore various options for treatment of chronic pain, acute pain and cancer-related pain. Pharmacologic, behavioral and interventional treatments of pain will be discussed. Ample time will be spent addressing the role of opioids in the management of pain.
Carol Warfield, MD
Lowenstein Distinguished Professor of Anesthesia
Thomas Simopoulos, MA, MD
Associate Professor of Anesthesia; Co-Director, Spine Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center